You may have heard people talking about EndNote in hushed tones as though it was a great research secret passed on by one in-the-know academic to the next. It will format your references and citations for you automatically. It’s the only way I can keep my research organized. It stores not just citation info but actual research articles and notes too. It’s integrated into Microsoft Word so writing up papers is a snap! Oh, and it’s FREE to SMCM students, faculty, and staff!!!!
It’s no secret. Citation management tools like EndNote are a great help to faculty and students trying to find a good computer-based system for organizing their research and easily incorporating references and citations into research papers. Librarians have been wise to the virtues of EndNote for a while now, and it’s about time we shared the basics with you.
Next week we’ll be offering 3 workshops on EndNote: The Basics. To reserve a space, email Alan Lutton at
All workshops will take place in LI 112, the library lab classroom in the Writing Center Annex.
- Tuesday, Feb. 19th, 11:00am – 11:45am
- Wednesday, Feb. 20th, 4:45pm – 5:30pm
- Thursday, Feb. 21st, 2:00pm – 2:45pm
You can work on the computers in the lab, or if you have your own laptop, take a few minutes to install EndNote before the workshop.