The United Nations has declared October 20, 2015 World Statistics Day. Over the next few weeks, we will be featuring resources available from the SMCM Library related to statistics and data. For more info on World Statistics day, check out
Happy World Statistics Day! Celebrate in style by checking out the Statista database, an awesome source for statistics available from the SMCM Library.
Statista is a statistics aggregator with over one million statistical facts covering over 80,000 topics, from over 18,000 sources, with over 500 stats added daily (phew!). Not only can you use Statista to get serious stats on industry, health, and society, but you can also find out what the most pirated TV show of 2014 was. (Spoiler: it was Game of Thrones, which apparently costs $6 million per episode to make. WHAT.)
On top of being crammed full of all kinds of stats, Statista provides attractive graphs (like the one at the beginning of this post) that you can incorporate into your paper or presentation!
Statista is available through the SMCM Library Databases page