St. Mary’s community, meet OneSearch, a simplified way to search the St. Mary’s Library’s resources and collections powered by EBSCO Discovery Service. When you enter search terms in the OneSearch search box and click Find, you’ll be searching:
- the SMCM library catalog,
- the USMAI catalog, and
- a variety of different research databases, including the always popular Academic Search Complete, PsycINFO and JSTOR databases (among many others).
There are of course, a few things to keep in mind when searching using OneSearch.
- OneSearch does NOT search all of the library’s online databases (and it searches some databases better than others).
- Not everything in OneSearch is available in full-text online.
- If you’re doing research in a specific subject area, you might want to try searching an individual database for more subject-specific results.
Right now OneSearch is in beta mode, so changes, updates, and improvements happen from time to time. We would love to hear your OneSearch-related comments and suggestions. You can leave your feedback as a comment on this blog post or talk to any one of the librarians.
Happy Searching.